21 Days of Prayer

21 Days of Prayer

"21 Days of Prayer" is a season during which our church family seeks God in prayer together every day for 21 days (January 5-25, 2025), trusting Him to work in powerful ways for His glory and our good. Each day focuses on a specific request to lift up to the Lord.

A digital Prayer Guide is available online by clicking the link below, or you can pick up a printed Prayer Guide in the church lobby. 


Prayer is the heartbeat of everything we do as a church family. We want to be a family of believers that seek God together in everything.

We’re asking our Grace family to carve out a daily or weekly time of prayer for our church’s mission to reach Palm Beach County, South Florida, and the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.


Increase our faith: Mark chapter 9 contains an exchange between a father desperate for his son to be healed: "But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us." 23 And Jesus said to him," 'If you can! All things are possible for one who believes." 24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, "I believe; help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:22b-24b).

Notice how the father said, "If you can," to Jesus who then confronts the "if" with "All things are possible for one who believes." Then the father of a suffering child blurts out one of the most honest confessions in the Bible, "I believe; help my unbelief!"

As serious Christians, we believe that nothing is too difficult for God. Yet, we often find our faith mingled with hesitation when it comes to our own situation. Remember, our hesitation, uncertainty, and even doubt, are at the surface level, but our genuine belief is rooted in the deepest channels of our hearts. Let's ask God to alleviate our hesitations, doubts, and equivocations with our deeper identity as believers in the One True God who can and does answer our prayers according to His will.

Let's pray together Mark 9:24b "I believe; help my unbelief!" How? As the disciples asked Jesus, "Increase our faith" (Luke 17:5b).